openjdk 编译
基本环境:ubuntu 10.04
eclipse 3.5
1.首先去 这里 下载OpenJDK7的源码zip包
2. 简要介绍下OpenJDK7中的目录
hotspot: 放有OpenJDK Hotspot Virtual Machine 的源代码和make文件
langtools: 放有OpenJDK 的javac 等工具的源代码和make文件
cobra: 放有OpenJDK Cobra 的源代码和make文件
jaxws: 放有OpenJDK JAXWS 的相关信息和make文件, 具体的源代码再编译时会下载
jaxp: 放有OpenJDK JAXP 相关信息和make文件,具体的源代码再编译时会下载
jdk: 放有OpenJDK runtime libraries 的源代码和make文件
直接OpenJDK 目录下有整个OpenJDK 的make文件
3. 检查系统的工具版本,以下配置基于OpenJDK7
3.1 GNU make 3.81或更高版本
3.2 ANT 1.7.1或更高版本
3.3 Sun 的BootstrapJDK6 update14或更高版本(虽然有些奇怪,但是因为编译这些Java代码需要一个可用的JDK)
3.4 GNU gcc 4.3或更高版本
3.5 ZIP 2.2或更高版本
3.6 FreeType 2.3或更高版本 (下载地址 ,下载后解压)
3.7 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture(ALSA) 0.9.1或更高版本(下载地址
4. 如果怕麻烦可以使用相关命令来安装依赖包
Fedora: yum-builddep java-1.6.0-openjdk
Debian: aptitude build-dep openjdk-6
Ubuntu: sudo aptitude build-dep openjdk-6
5. 环境工具设置好后了运行以下命令以设置或取消环境变量
export LANG=C
export ALT_BOOTDIR=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_30/
export SKIP_DEBUG_BUILD=false
export DEBUG_NAME=debug
6. 到OpenJDK目录下运行 make sanity 进行检测 如果输出如下证明OpenJDK 编译环境检测没有问题
Sanity check passed.
如果是下面这样证明 环境依然有问题, 按照提示的WARNING 和 ERROR进行修改 直到检测通过
ERROR: Your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set. This will
most likely cause the build to fail. Please unset it
and start your build again.
Exiting because of the above error(s).
make: *** [post-sanity] Error 1
7. 检测通过了在OpenJDK目录下运行
make clean
8. 注意事项
8.1 保持所有命令是在同一个用户下运行的而且这个用户么还有JAVA_HOME 等环境变量
8.2 OpenJDK 编译可能需要些时间,不要慌张
8.3 要有ALLOW_DOWNLOADS=true。否则编译jaxp的时候会出错,因为jaxp的源代码是临时下载的
8.3 OpenJDK 目录下的README-builds.html网页文档可以提供很多帮助.
9. 编译完成
-- Build times ----------
Target debug_build
Start 2012-02-18 21:09:17
End 2012-02-18 21:54:06
00:01:04 corba
00:20:53 hotspot
00:03:57 jaxp
00:04:14 jaxws
00:14:15 jdk
00:00:26 langtools
00:44:49 TOTAL
azrael@ubuntu :~/Tech/openjdk$ cd build/
azrael@ubuntu :~/Tech/openjdk/build$ ll
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 4 azrael azrael 4096 Feb 18 20:37 ./
drwxr-xr-x 12 azrael azrael 4096 Feb 18 20:35 ../
drwxr-xr-x 27 azrael azrael 4096 Feb 18 21:53 linux-i586/
drwxr-xr-x 26 azrael azrael 4096 Feb 18 21:08 linux-i586-debug/
azrael@ubuntu :~/Tech/openjdk/build/linux-i586/bin$ ./java -version
openjdk version "1.7.0-internal-debug"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-internal-debug-azrael_2012_02_18_20_37-b00)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 21.0-b17-jvmg, mixed mode)
JVM学习-2.1 编译并调试openjdk的zero版 之CDT篇
I recently started working on Hotspot, with the goal of getting the Zero port up-to-date with respect to he recent developments in MLVM. In order to work most efficiently, I set up a work environment in Eclipse, and thought it’d be useful to share a little HOW-TO.
First of all, you need to install Eclipse/CDT if you haven’t already. This gives you a very powerful C/C++ development environment in Eclipse.
You can then open an OpenJDK source tree as C/C++ project by selecting: File -> New -> Other and then ‘C/C++’ -> ‘Makefile project with existing code’. Enter project name, e.g. OpenJDK8, and the path to the existing location. Select the appropriate ‘Toolchain for indexer Settings’ below. Click Finish.
Then open the project properties by right-clicking on the project, and selecting ‘Properties’. There we need to setup a couple of things.Under ‘C/C++ Build’ -> Environment, enter all environment variables that you would normally set on the command line for building OpenJDK. At the very least, you need ‘ALT_BOOTDIR’ and LANG=C. Under ‘C/C++ Build’, click the tab ‘Refresh Policy’ and remove the only path that is there (otherwise the whole workspace will be refreshed after a build, which takes looooong’). Optionally, add any paths under ‘build’ that you are interested in. Under ‘C/C++ General’ -> ‘Paths and Symbols’, select the tab ‘Source Location’ and remove the toplevel project path, and enter any source paths you are working with (e.g. hotspot/src). This limits what is visible to the indexer, etc. In order to take full advantage of Eclipse for debugging, I also changed ‘C/C++ Build’, ‘Behavior’ tab, replace ‘all’ with ‘debug_build’ This will normally do a debug build of OpenJDK, which means that you get all the symbols and no compiler optimizations in the binaries. In order to be able to load the symbols in gdb, add ‘ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=0′ into the environment variables.Then click ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ to close the settings dialog. Select ‘Project -> Build Project’ to launch the first build of OpenJDK in Eclipse.
Debugging with Eclipse is similarily straightforward, open Debug Configurations, add a new C/C++ application, set up its properties for the binary, arguments and environment variables (make sure you use a debug-build binary) and run the thing! Being able to fully debug in Eclipse, navigating stack, inspecting variables, setting breakpoints and stepping through the code is so much more useful than doing the same in plain GDB: